Labels:bulletin board | chat room | earth | hakham | person | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: their end rush with equa. velocity taward goals f which they are ignorant with an energy and cosmic action before which dynamite is like the breath of sleeping babe. Thus the celestial bodies which constitute the vast universe rest nat ua solid foundation according ta the childish and primitive conception, but upon invisible and imma terial forres which govern their motions The ima- gination that could eliminate time and space would perceive these worlds descending from a limitless sky in every conceivable direction like the rain- draps carried away by the whirlwinds of gigantic tempest. This leads to Flammarion's next important t ideal, the relation of mod we astronomy ta : new religion. Although raised ir the Catholic faith, Flammarion early rejected church dogma in favor fa scientifical ...